I’ve been interested in trying to grow my own mushrooms for several years. This year I finally decided to buy a blue oyster mushroom kit from North Spore. I’ve been hesitant in the past to shell out what I considered
What is a Honeyberry?
What The Heck Is A Honeyberry? I had one of my customers early this spring drive over from Ohio last year to buy some raspberries. He was telling me about this berry called a honeyberry that he grows and recommends
Starting Japanese Maples from seed
If you have ever wondered about starting japanese maples from seed its a relatively easy process. I’ve had very good success over the last few years with the method I’ll describe below I usually buy seeds from a reputable source.
Propagating Grapes Indoors
This time of year is when I often start propagating grapes from hardwood cuttings inside so I’ll have some ready to sell around the end of May. Grapes are one of the easiest plants to propagate. All you need are
Welcome To Shawler’s Family Nursery
Hi, my name is Tim Shawler owner and operator of this site and small backyard nursery. I’ve decided it was time to make a basic site to share all that Shawler’s Family Nursery has to offer. In the upcoming weeks